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Soufflè di pesche e zabaione |
Ingredienti per 4-6 persone:
un piccolo pan di Spagna
tagliato a fette, burro
per ungere, mezzo bicchiere
di Porto, 250 g di pesche cotte
in acqua e zucchero.
Per lo zabaione:
quattro tuorli,
200 g di zucchero,
un terzo di litro di vino bianco.
Per la copertura:
quattro albumi,
100 g di zucchero al velo.
Adagiate le fette di pan di Spagna in
una pirofila imburrata, rivestendola, e
irroratele con il Porto. Scolate le pesche dallo sciroppo di cottura e disponetele sul
pan di Spagna. Per lo zabaione,
montate in
una asseruola i tuorli con lo zucchero:
allorché saranno divenuti ben spumosi,
diluiteli piano piano con il vino; ponete il
recipiente a bagnomaria in acqua calda e
continuate a sbattere la crema fin quando si sarà addensata, evitando però che
raggiunga il bollore. Versate quindi lo zabaione sulle pesche e lasciatelo raffreddare,
poi ricopritelo con gli albumi montati a
neve ben ferma insieme allo zucchero al
velo.Ponete la pirofila sul ripiano di mezzo
del forno già caldo e fate cuocere il
souff1é per 30 minuti a 220°. Servitelo subito.
a small sponge cake cut into slices
butter to grease
a glass of Porto wine
250 grams of peaches cooked in water and sugar
For the zabaglione:
four egg yolks
200 grams of sugar
a third of a liter of white wine
For the topping:
four egg whites
100 grams of icing sugar
Arrange the slices of sponge cake in a buttered pan, covering it, and sprinkle with Porto. Drain the peaches from the syrup and place on baking sponge cake. For the zabaglione, mounted in a saucepan the egg yolks with the sugar. When they have become well frothy, dilute floor plan with wine, place the
container in a water bath in hot water and continue beating until the cream has thickened, while avoiding
reaches a boil. Pour the zabaglione on peaches and let it cool, then cover it with the egg whites until
stiff with the icing sugar . Put the pan on the middle shelf of the preheated oven and cook souff1é for 30 minutes at 220 °. Serve immediately.
a small sponge cake cut into slices
butter to grease
a glass of Porto wine
250 grams of peaches cooked in water and sugar
For the zabaglione:
four egg yolks
200 grams of sugar
a third of a liter of white wine
For the topping:
four egg whites
100 grams of icing sugar
Arrange the slices of sponge cake in a buttered pan, covering it, and sprinkle with Porto. Drain the peaches from the syrup and place on baking sponge cake. For the zabaglione, mounted in a saucepan the egg yolks with the sugar. When they have become well frothy, dilute floor plan with wine, place the
container in a water bath in hot water and continue beating until the cream has thickened, while avoiding
reaches a boil. Pour the zabaglione on peaches and let it cool, then cover it with the egg whites until
stiff with the icing sugar . Put the pan on the middle shelf of the preheated oven and cook souff1é for 30 minutes at 220 °. Serve immediately.